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Why is our happiness so short lived and inconsistent? - by Lokesh Asnani

Yes .. There is just one way to maintain our happiness at all times..

Its simple - just make your Happiness - Independent- of everything else ..

Yes you read it right, it is a definite way to maintain our happiness.

To understand it better let`s see how a normal person is different in terms of behavior and attitude and how it impacts the simple fundamental state of happiness which I believe `Every HUMAN is blessed with and has POWER to be In-charge of!

Suppose a guy named `X` is self-centered. Mr. X is a self-sufficient person who lives in a modern city with his family and has a healthy social circle, in all he is living comfortably.

Now when Mr. X is asked a question "How happy are you?"

and Mr. X thinks and replies "I am close to getting promotion in my office once that happens I am going to be happy"

He also mentions that he is been thinking of taking his wife and kid for a holiday but is unable to "if I am able to plan that soon I will be happier" he said.

Similarly he states many more things that are stopping him from being happy, and once all things are in place, he will be happy.

Mr. X seems to have held his happiness Ransom, to the achievement of things or on being successful.. Right?

Now, do you think that emotion of happiness is to be dependent upon accomplishments or achievements.. think.. think...

Yes you are right- happiness cannot depend on something..

let me drive home the point with an example :-

lets compare Mr. X with a man who has limited means and much lesser money, he has no financial strength, which we all feel is critical for our happiness.

He does not even have a stable Income, but still he looks to be happy.. not affected by his current state.. And actually he seems to be happier than Mr. X .

How is this possible?

Simply because this man has complete acceptance of his state of life, and he has not made the 'achievements of his expectations' as a necessity for his happiness ..

which makes way for uninterrupted happiness in his life!

Happiness is not something to be achieved on completion of events , it should be there before, during and after anything ..

It is a NATURAL STATE, which gets disturbed by our non clarity on this Emotions. Isn't it?

Mr. X has different understanding which inhibits his happiness, because his happiness is dependent on to future events, but which are uncertain...

Many factors play a role for any event to occur. Even when he accomplishes his goals, he may have many more goals to achieve further.. right? .. and this very thought will make sure that his happiness stays away.

Why make our Happiness.. independent?

You may ask..

I want you to think about it..

In what state of mind, You are at your best for Actions /Responses/Thinking..?

Yes you got that right..

Its Happiness!

For only a happy mind can make sure to stay un-affected by the lower emotions and use one's full mental capability.

If we keep our happiness primary to everything (and not like Mr. X on achievement) we can ensure 100% efforts in the work we are doing, and possibility of being exemplary in that is huge, which we all desire & deserve for ourselves.

Stay a Learner, Stay in-charge of your happiness.. Be You!



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