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Wellbeing is Within - ASK KriShiv

Why more and more of us are asking questions about "who am I" and questioning every aspect of our lives with 'why' instead of "what" ?

Think about it, as a whole, humanity and its collective intelligence has done well in making our life comfortable.. Convenient.. Isn't it?

We can travel faster than ever before, convenience is at the highest ever with more gadgets and virtual intelligence and so much more ... fast is the new 'in' word...

So much has been done and Achieved and more innovations are on the way .. Must definitely feel like it's our Golden Age! Right?

Then why do we "such comfortable beings" experience in-consistent happiness ?

Why is the sense of emptiness growing ever so large in our minds?

Why our bodies and our minds are feeling life is a challenge.. Instead of a blessing?

Why is it that inspite of all these comforts there is a fast growing deep rooted hatred among the same species - Humans?

Think .. Take a minute or two and think deeper.. After all its about yours and all humanities future and well being...

Hmmmm .. Maybe then our well being is not about the so called convenience.. No not at all .. Our well being has never been and never will be anywhere- except within Us and in our understanding of the system within!

So herein lies our problem .. We have spent pretty much the entire time, from our time of creation.. On focusing on everything other than within us ..

Lets resolve to not stay ignorant of our selves .. Take charge of your well being.. Create deeper understanding of the system within us!

Be aware.. You deserve nothing less!

Let me get you started .. Try and do this for the next 21 days .. be in charge ..

By not letting your memories (both good and bad) or the dreams or worries of your future .. rob you of the most precious moment - the Present - the NOW!

When you do get swayed into the past or the future - gently remind yourself that you are in-charge and you choose to stay in the NOW..


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