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What is 'Awareness' - ASK KriShiv

What is this new found favorite word "Awareness" - all about?

Well as with all words which become a fad, awareness is also a largely misunderstood term!

Some myths that are just that - myths!

Lets look at one myth today?

"Awareness is a state of solitude and detachment"

absolutely not!

Awareness is a state of being 'aware' of everything within you! Yes, being aware! not about knowing .. not about being informed .. not about experiencing things - but being aware! And that requires that you need to live life as you know it, not quit it to seek awareness... Is it not?

Think and think as deep as you can - your understanding of awareness can lead to a profound jump in your sense of well being!

Second and relatedly - you may ask - if awareness is only about what is within, then how will we handle the real trouble - that is - in knowing what's around us?

To answer this ..

Think of yourself like a light bulb with a certain wattage, as you become More AWARE, your wattage increases making you capable of throwing more light on things around you! Making you capable of seeing the things around you a lot more clearly .. Is it not?

Yes a state of complete awareness would then be like you become the sun from a light bulb!

If you feel the above understanding is true... Don't you think its time to understand the truth of awareness and walk the path of self awareness on an immediate basis!

I urge you to do your research and start initiatives that can lead you to self awareness ...

Love and light to all you beautiful souls.


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