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Does Happiness need a reason? - by Meera AG

Happiness is often seen in abundance in children. If as a child we were denied anything .. say our favorite chocolate..

We have cried, sulked, felt saddened.. even angry sometimes .. But bounced right back for no 'real' reason .. Yes?

As children we have never waited for our expectations to be fulfilled to be happy.. Right?

We just were happy.. No conditions apply 😊

Try to recall and feel the sense of pure and infinite happiness that you enjoyed as a child..

Even if you as a child have had only few such experiences.. One is enough for the proof that you are born to be happy.. Is that not so?

So what happened to this infinite "happiness" within us?

We are now grown up and for most of us happiness is a "serious" objective..

So much so that we indulge in 'fun without limits' or 'irrational risky acts' or 'seek a path to reduce our burdens' or 'seek security' or get into 'quick relationships'...

All, just so we can feel HAPPY .. Isn't it?

We as grown-ups have given away self charge that we had over our happiness to things outside us .. be it other people or situations!

We unfortunately, most of the times end up feeling guilty of being happy for no specific reasons ..


Mostly out of our conditioning- we may have been told when we were children to achieve something to deserve a new bike or dress or anything ..

We have been conditioned to give something, before we can take.. Think about this.. Is this not how it is most of the times?

This limiting belief has made us so unaware of our supreme power over 'Our Happiness', making us wait for something to happen, before we feel happy!

So can we reclaim our power of happiness?

Oh yes.. Absolutely yes!

Firstly think about where is this happiness that you seek..?

If you did find it where would you experience it?

Where would you store it.. Outside of you? Or within You?

Yes you got that right .. Its only and only within you - not outside!

Secondly.. tell me something.. When do you think you would be capable of achieving anything that you want more efficiently...

in a higher and happier state of mind? Or in a lower state of expectations?

Obviously you choose your happy state... Right?

Because that is the truth - the more happy you are the more productive you will be .. Agreed?

Be happy be in that state you would be when you will achieve all that you wanted ..

Then use this state to propel your efforts .. And see how this elusive self happiness state .. Makes every dream of yours a reality ..

Realize this that happiness is not the result of anything- it is a powerful state of mind to achieve anything you want!

Take charge.. Be aware and be happy .. for no reason - you don't really need a reason to be!

Love and light :)


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