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Focus - Can it become an Effortless Activity?

'Stay Focused' - this has been hammered into our mind right from our childhood. And it had been difficult for most of us, even though we had all the right intentions to stay 'focused'! Some of us just couldn't be in that zone....even after we have grown up!

Is staying Focused on your task is a challenge for you?

Most of us face this, right?

We get distracted easily and our Mind wanders off to somewhere else and by the time we realise it, we have lost the most precious commodity - our time!

You too feel the same way?

Let's try and identify what takes away our #Focus?

1. Social media scrolling tops the list! You were only reading 1 post or were watching 1 video...but you never knew when you had started scrolling down and lost track of time!

2. A thought from your Past or about the Future can take you on a journey of regretting about what went wrong, blaming self or others for that and finally feeling bad about it.... or being worried about what all can go wrong....has the power to take away your Focus.

3. People around you, their behaviour, actions or words can also be a reason for you to lose Focus.

How do we make sure that we not get affected by the external factors and make sure that we are 100% present in the task that we are doing...even if it's a 'Self Introspection' is what we are doing?

What can help us 'Stay Focused'?

Observation of Self : 99% of the time in our life, we don't OBSERVE what's going on in our Mind! We just 'go with the flow'. Being Aware of our thoughts and how we feel, can help us not allow them to take our Focus away.

Self-Disciplined : It's easy to give away to distractions, as they give us a Comfort place to be in, Convenience of not doing anything and Pleasure of being in the staying distracted from task. Yes, CCP kills Focus! Being Self Disciplined can help one bring back the focus on the task.

Understanding the Importance : When we are not interested, we are not focused. So, understanding 'why we do what we do' can help us be there.

There could be million distractions around us...but it's us who give them the power to take our Focus away. Only when we allow our mind to be disturbed by what's outside us, we tend to lose our Focus.

'Being Aware of our Mind' can help us not allow those external factors to disturb us or stray away from reaching our goal. When we are driving, the focus is on reaching the destination. Imagine we take every lanes & turns on the way....will we ever reach our destination? No, isn't it!

An Aware Mind is capable to not allow anything to take it away from achieving the goal! Be Aware!


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