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Happiness - Is it a Negotiable Emotion?

Have you ever asked yourself "Why I do what I do?'

All your Personal & Professional goals, targets, achievements & successes lead to only one thing as the ultimate outcome - your #happiness

Our Mind seeks Happiness in all that we do. Happiness is the CAUSAL Energy which leads to the actions. Happiness is the sole reason behind everything that we do and we don't do.

It is similar to the oxygen to our brain, the lack of which can lead to brain death!

Imagine a Life without would be mentally suffocating, isn't it? Since it doesn't actually suffocate us physically...we are 'OK' to live without happiness! Keep giving ourselves reasons for being OK!

We continuously seek for Happiness in as an end result of whatever we do. We are Conditioned right from our childhood to feel Happy ONLY after achieving something. A 100% results in the exam was a criteria to be happy...not a 40%. Similarly admission in a good college and a good degree made us eligible to be Happy! Getting a good job with an attractive pay package...yes a tick in the box to be Happy!

How did we feel in those situations where we couldn't achieve what we wanted? 100% Happy? Mmmm...maybe not. The reason being we were made to think that Happiness is always at the other side. We can be Happy only when we achieve what we wanted.

Hence, Happiness was and is always fluctuating in our Life! When you look at your typical day, are you Happy 10/10 throughout? On somedays, maybe! The days when there were no challenges! How about the other days?

Happiness is the Causal Energy - the energy that propels us to do anything in our Life! It gives us the Strength to Discover ourself. It makes our Life worth Leading...not just living!

You don't have to search for happiness. You have to only understand this beautiful emotion, which is already within you!

Love & Light

Anu Krishna


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