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Observe: Are you Talking or Blabbering to your Self?

Are you Talking? or Blabbering to your Self?

If you're not aware of what's going on in your head, in terms of what are you thinking and why.. Then the mind will seem a noisy blabbering thing.

While if you're genuinely interested in how you think, you'll learn and master a way to Talk to yourself through anything, any biggest of challenges or goals, nothing can beat you.

So, are you watching it carefully, what are you thinking usually?

It's all about what, why & how you talk to yourself, isn't it? and of course how it makes you feel, react or respond, etc.

Let's look at this statement as it is..

"You are not Successful yet and Nowhere near to where you expect yourself to be.."

If you just read it like a line, objectively enough, you can see how there are different perceptions different people can have for the same set of words and the sentence put together. It's so damn subjective!

One may take it like a reminder to give more and better, while someone else may feel let down by this statement..

Let's take another example..

Observe these 3 statements below, objectively, and watch the variety of perceptions, emotions, reactions or responses it can lead to, from different individuals.

Use your imagination to perceive them like NOT You, but anybody else.

  1. "You got to Grind, you got to Hustle your way out!"

  2. "Hard Work & Accountability is non-negotiable"

  3. "One must have Kindness for everyone"

In Statement 1 & 2, Grinding, Hustling, Hard Work & Accountability can trigger emotions of Positivity, Energy, Enthusiasm & Motivation in some minds, all thanks to their emotional associations of these words with some growth oriented images from past and from imagination of future or an ideal behavior.

However for some other people, it may just put them off! due to some other negative images attached to the Words like Grinding, Hustling, Hard Work & Accountability. It may sound like compromising with something else that they value, like happiness or freedom may be.

In the Statement 3, one may perceive Kindness as an expression of Compassion & Love, for someone else it may sound like an Egoic Sympathy, or something totally different.

So what's the hack here?

  1. Understanding the link of your Current Actions & Emotions with your Past

  2. and the resultant Automation Process of your Mind, re-living the Past that you're holding

If you know what leads to what, you can change anything and everything..

Can you imagine? you can be the Master of your Happiness, your Growth & everything that matters to you, in your Life!

  • If you can Observe & Analyze your Thoughts i.e. what are you chattering with yourself continuously, inside of your head? And what impact it has on your feelings and actions?

  • If you understand how thinking works, you can change it at will!

  • If you can alter how you're thinking, you can choose what you want to feel..

  • If you can change what you feel, you can change what & how well you do something..

  • If your actions change, results are bound to come!

Right from small things like food & sleep habits, efforts & Actions, likes & dislikes, desires & addictions..

To even the bigger things in life like, deep limiting Patterns, Emotional Traumas from Past, Relationships, Health and a lot more..

Everything in and around your life, is a byproduct of how you think..

what are you chattering to yourself inside, continuously, knowingly or unknowingly..?

Are you Observing the conversation that goes on in your mind?

Observing it, and Living it, are 2 very different things

If you're Living & Re-living the same recycled stuff, just because you're going with the flow, then you're not really 'Observing it'.

Observing it, means to not attach any emotion, any conclusion or any reaction to it.

To Observe, is to See it as Objectively, and as Factually as it is.

It is not about control, rather control will be far more counter-productive.

It's about allowing yourself to be with no compulsion to necessarily act upon every thought or emotion or feeling, at least for sometime.

Allowing yourself to be able to see the content of your mind, without being compulsively driven by it.

It's pure bliss, pure freedom :) try it out.

But let's not stop there, let's rather start from here..

Mindfulness, Meditation, Aware Observation or any other name you give to this phenomena, this is merely a tool to start to understanding yourself more clearly.

We are usually good at getting gratified over any instant relief, but this time the idea is to go beyond. Let's rather use the tool of Self Observation to lead a Self Aware Life with unconditional Happiness, infinite Abundance & a deep sense of Meaningfulness

Imagine, if Self Talk can change so much in you, what can Self Mastery do to your life?

Share your thoughts with us, looking forward :)


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