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Do you have some time for this Kid?

There is this Kid, that you must know about.

The Kid needs understanding, love and care.

Not because the kid demands, but because - a loving attention is needed, for every life to bloom to its highest.

What would you say about the Parents of the Kid, who are too busy with their other priorities of lives, which they find are equally (or sometimes more) important than the Kid's happiness.

Like come on! a Comfortable Lifestyle & Economic Security comes at a price, doesn't it? and it is super critical for every kid, isn't it?

That's what the Parents are doing for the kids.

What's wrong in compromising with your Kid's happiness, if it is promising enough for a better future for the Kid? What's wrong?

On the other hand, all that the Kid wants is.. some answers to endless questions, some happiness for no reason, some love with no expectation, some understanding and no reaction.

Kid needs to be Listened to, to be Understood, to be Cared for.

The Kid has loads of questions, that are unanswered, unresolved, unclear.

Questions range from Why Water is Wet, to even Why only Humans have Nations?

from Why do we Think the way we Think? to even Why everyone is not Happy?

from What is beyond the Stars? to even What is inside all of us?

Many many questions, and a lot of curiosity, unchanneled.

This Kid is an Infinite Possibility, immense Learnability, all raw and untamed.
  • Would you like to support this Kid stay happier and more true to Self always?

  • Would you like to answer the innocent questions of this Kid, without any judgment and reaction?

  • Would you like to accompany the kid in dancing, jumping, running, shouting, falling, crying, laughing, for no good reason?

  • Would you like to encourage this kid to learn, make mistakes and not judge Self? and just keep growing..

  • Would you like to give some Love to this budding Life?

  • Can you lend your precious time to help this naive, young, bundle of joy?

All you need to do is volunteer and commit the minimum possible time you can contribute every day or week or month, for this "UnProductive" - yet so deeply Meaningful task.

You are requested to please operate from Love & Understanding, and not allow any Judgments to crop up inside, about the Kid, the Past and also the Parents.

Following are the details of the Kid.

  • Nick Name of the Kid: YOU

  • Full Name of the Kid: The Real YOU

  • c/o Parents: Your Past (the one which tells you Right & Wrong, Good & Bad, Big & Small, etc.)

  • Full Name of Parents: Your Automated Past Programming

  • Address: Your Mind, in Your Life

  • Landmark: At the Base of Everything that you Think, Feel & Do.

  • Contact: Self Awareness is the Key, via Learning Expressway

Please Re-read the Message with the known details now.

Share with others you know, who need to know about this Kid..


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