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3 KEY Questions on Fear, Self Belief & Confidence

Here are the 3 Key Clarity Questions on Fear, Self Belief & Confidence:

  1. How to Eliminate Fear & Insecurity from your Mind?

  2. How to grow Self Confidence to highest?

  3. Is it possible to Stay at your Highest Self Belief always? If yes, How?

Here we go..

How to Eliminate Fear & Insecurity from your Mind?

By understanding how Fear & Insecurity works, you'll be able to eliminate them from your mind.

However, the problem is the fear of losing fear itself. We are sold for the benefits of (little bit) fear & insecurity through our conditioning and belief systems.

Often we believe that if you are not cautious enough, something will go wrong. So its good to have a little bit of fear or a bit of insecurity.

Most of us mostly feel anxious of not having any fear, because it makes us feel insecure, not alert and thus vulnerable to some perceived danger.

This itself keeps us away from Questioning the fear. Because if you do so, you'd realize 3 very important facts from your own Self Observation:

  1. Of all the fearful imaginations we've had in the past, hardly less than a percent would have ever come true.

  2. Most of the fears and insecurities were passed onto us by Conditioning & Belief Systems.

  3. Our true nature is not compatible to Fear or Insecurity. But High Self Belief comes naturally to us.

So the question now is that whether or not you are willing to learn, take charge & lead a self aware life that's fearless by default?

If you want to, then 1st is to realize that Fear in NO manner can be beneficial at all.

Once you realize that, then you're resolve to eliminate fear will be clear and singular. That is the best point to start learning from, about how to eliminate fear & insecurity from your mind.

How to grow Self Confidence to highest?

By understand what is Confidence really & how does it work, you can take your confidence to highest by choice.

However, the problem is not about how to be Confident, rather it is to stay Confident at your best all the time by choice.

We have been taught to believe that Confidence is something one needs to develop, as if it is an additional skill or ability.

Whereas, in fact Confidence happens to be one of the most innate and naturally abundant energy in each individual.

More than just being able to use what you know, Confidence is about your willingness to learn, what you don't know and you need to know, for your goals and objectives.

Meaning if your Self Belief is high, then even if you don't know something, you'll be sure that you can learn to do it well.

If Self Belief is low, you may experience low confidence in even the familiar areas.

Not a Self Belief that is based on Positive Thinking, Motivational Quotes, Self Help Books or a Cheesy Philosophy of some kind.

But a Self Belief that is based on purest Understanding of the Self, based on realization of who you are truly.

So in a nutshell, if one wants to have Highest Confidence in all the things, all the time, then one must focus on having a Higher Self Belief, and Confidence will simply follow.

Is it possible to Stay at your Highest Self Belief always? If yes, How?

Can you believe someone you don't know well?

That is the core reason for not experiencing highest Self Belief always.

If you understand yourself very well, then why would you not believe in your Self.

As you begin understanding yourself, you also realize your truly infinite Potential. When you are aware of who you are and how powerful that is, then there remains no reason to carry any doubts or hesitation in whatever you do.

So the ultimate formula is:

Understanding of Self + Elimination of Fear = Infinite Self Belief (& thus unwavering Self Confidence)

Start with Discovering Who YOU are really & learn how to make your Self Love & Self Belief, truly unconditional, while Learning to Eliminate every last strand of Fear in the Mind.


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