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Surviving, Living Or Leading Life?

Are you merely Surviving?
Or Living with the Flow?
Or Leading your Life with Clarity?

Well the good news it, that you can jump from anywhere in the list to anywhere else, hopefully you'll leap ahead & choose 'Leading'

Refer to the Table below to check for yourself where do you stand, and choose where do you want to focus next.

[Share your Challenges, Questions & Doubts in the Comment Please]

Examples given below the Table for your reference.

Example # 1 Approach towards Efforts & Accountability

Survival : Blame

A Survival Focused mindset, usually resorts to Blaming something one someone, it could even be Self, but it's a Blame.

Living : Responsibility

While a Positively Living Focused mindset, may choose to stop the buck from passing any further and choose to Take the Responsibility of the Task.

Leading : Sense of Ownership

Above all, a Leading Focused Mind (is never "set") goes much beyond all of this, beyond just taking the Responsibility of a Certain Task. One would rather take up a conscious commitment towards making the ultimate Result happen, no matter what it takes.

Which means, one operates from a Sense of Ownership towards the Overall Objective, beyond one's Area of Responsibility also.

Example # 2 - Approach towards Finances, & more

Survival : Sustenance

A Survival focused mindset, is often short sighted, fearful, reactive. This is not just about Financial Needs, but the overall attitude remains such that one may not act until the last moment or emergency. One just can't act on pure Will, there has to be some pressing problem in life to make one move then.

Living : Security

A Living focused mindset, is optimistic &/ambitious about the future, and thus goes beyond just the hand to mouth needs. One focuses not just on Financial Security, but in many ways also in Emotional Security by means of managing Relationships of all kinds.

Leading : Abundance

Above all, a Leading Focused Mind (is never "set") rises much beyond the Fears & Insecurities of the Future. Thus one is never bothered by the Uncertainties of the Future.

Because One is continuously focused on Creating an Envisioned Future of Choice, no matter what it takes. One has enough Self Belief to be able to achieve any Goal that one aims at, and deal with any known and even unknown challenges very successfully.

State of Abundance, makes one realizes that there no Scarcity or Lack of Anything, neither it was ever there, nor it is now, nor can it ever be there in future. Which means, one realizes that everything is there more than enough, for everyone, every time.

Example # 3 - Approach towards Real Problems

Survival : Escaping

With a Survival mindset, one would choose to keep delaying, ignoring, procrastinating, giving excuses, etc. when it comes to really putting actions towards Solution of the Problem.

In some cases, one may even escape from Acknowledging of there is a Problem, keeping oneself deprived of Solving it much earlier and much simply.

Living : Solving

With a Living focused mindset, one may take on the responsibility of solving the problems that stop oneself from reaching one's goals in life.

However, because of the fixation on the Goal, one is limited to seeing Positive ROI (Returns on Investment) only when one Succeeds, not when one has a set back or fails.

Leading : Learning

For a Leading Mind, Success & Failure are of Least significance, because it is Growth oriented and Growth is ensured in both cases, no matter if you Succeed or have a Set Back.

One realizes that the real Gold is not in the End Result, but it is in the Learnings that one gets in this dynamic process of Self Transformation that keeps going 24 x 7.

One keeps Learning about Self, from every big and small problems of everyday Life Issues.

Please keep adding Examples in the comments, if you can think of some.

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