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“Life is not Fair” - Who said it’ll be?

“Life is not Fair” is as good as “Path takes me nowhere”

What do we mean by "Life is Not Fair"?

Just another ridiculous belief of mankind, that if you make those so called “Right Choices” in life, then Life should behave fair with you.

Who said it will?

Quite similar, look at this statement - "Path, takes me nowhere"?

Path is just where it was, it doesn’t move.

Thus, it can’t take you anywhere, like a vehicle may do for you.

Path is useful only when You choose to walk.

Until then it’s just a Path, which can’t do anything for you on its own.

If you want to get somewhere, then you gotta move.

Similarly, Life is what it is.

A Time frame of Experiences which has a perceived Start and an End.

We call it Life. But Nature of it, the Quality of it & the Depth of Experiences, is all determined by each individual's own Self Awareness

Life, by itself, has nothing to do with being Fair or Not.

For you it may not be fair, for someone, it may be extremely fair and benevolent.

And to someone else, it could be a mix of both, or maybe something completely different.

Not just from person to person this differs, but within oneself too.. on different time lines.

We sometimes feel Life is not Fair, while sometimes it is pretty much fine, and other times it’s just an irrelevant thought. You are often not even thinking about it, because you’re focused on something else that matters to you, at least at that point in time.

It is so obvious that the very thought of “Life is Not Fair” is our own creation, and often we use it to massage our own wounded Egos.

Think about this..

If you had ZERO Expectations of how things should be, would you ever think of Life being Fair or Unfair?

That means, it’s not the Life or the People or the Situations (out of your control) per se, that makes or breaks one’s life. It is rather what you do with what you get, determines everything.

The Fact is, that we have one or other situation going on all the time.

Based on our Perceptions, we create Experiences within us about the same situation.

In one given situation, there could be many people going through it alongside. However, each individual has one’s own perception, and thus one’s own experience of the same situation.

Some may call it great, while some may call it worst. The Facts of the Situation don’t change for anyone, but the ‘Sense of Reality’ of each individual in their own experiences, can be very different.

Though your experiences don’t change the fact of the situation, it certainly can impact your decisions on what you do about it next.

Based on what you perceive and experience, you can either mindfully decide your next response, or else allow yourself to flow with the emotions, into a vicious Chain Reaction.

For example, many people could go through a natural disaster at the same time, however each one responds or reacts to it differently, which is all based on how they think at that point in time.

Some may be absolutely inactive and frozen due to panic, while some may cry for help, and others may not be able to console themselves of the losses. However, at the same time there are also those, who in spite of being in the same crisis (and also possibly enduring losses) can still choose to do whatever best they can, to support themselves, and others in need.

Meaning, even in the most challenging situations, if you can stay fully in-charge of how you think, you will not just do a great favor to yourself by choosing a better experience.. But also you’d be in a much more powerful position to respond to the situation in the best manner possible..

You don’t always get to choose what you get in life, but only you can choose what to do with what you get, always.

Either Choose to continue cribbing, complaining, whining about how Life’s not been Fair to you..

Or Choose to Learn, Understand and Take Charge of your own Decisions, Actions & Outcomes

This Choice no one can ever take away from you.

But are you really choosing with Awareness?

Or still compulsively reliving (on repeat) your Past (Programming) of how things “Should Be”?

What you get doesn't matter.. what you do with it, does..

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