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How to Transform yourSelf Faster than Light?

So let's begin with the base question..

How to really TRANSFORM? and not just CHANGE!

Change can be undone or reversed. Transformation is an Irreversible Change.

Yes we know what we are talking about.

How to Transform Faster than Light? NOW?

Is it even Possible?? Well, Yes!

What if it is an absolute fact, even if you or I don't believe in it.

Worth Validating, isn't it? That's what we'll be doing here..

And thankfully, you don't have to believe anything. Rather why not find it out yourself?

Here are the Top Key Questions you need to ASK to Dissect, Analyse, Validate & finally Understand.. that it is literally possible for you to Transform yourself (and any aspect of your Life) Faster than Light, right NOW!

  1. What is Transformation? How does it work? How is it different from Change?

  2. What is that you want to Transform in your Life right now? and Transform into what

  3. What is Stopping you from Transforming Now?

  4. What makes you Think & Believe that Transformation takes Time?

  5. What is Time? What is Life?

  6. What is the PAST? What is the purpose PAST in one's Life?

  7. When is NOW? Why not NOW?

  8. What is that Only thing in the Universe, which is Faster than Light?

  9. What is the Vehicle / Carrier / Process of Real Transformation? Where does it begin and where does it lead?

  10. What makes it Challenging to Transform RIGHT NOW? Why is it not sustainable? What to do to eliminate these Challenges?

All the above Question would lead us to the Clarity of How to Transform yourself Faster than Light? Right NOW?

We have a Great News for you!

We are doing a Linkedin LIVE Audio Event on this very Important Topic, where we'd be addressing all the Questions listed above, along with a few more that the Participants may add on to.

You are most Welcome to Join & Participate in the Conversation!

Linkedin LIVE Audio Events are super special, because here we can just jump into the conversation anytime.

You can ASK any question, any doubt that is relevant to you. You can share your experience if you want to.

Idea is to make it like a LIVE Demonstration of Clarity & it's Application. You can ASK, Validate, Testify on your own logic, real time, until you are sure & satisfied with what's being shared.

More the Questions, Doubts and Conversations, the better it will be.

We'll talk, we'll connect, discuss, think together, have fun, crack jokes & laugh at the otherwise so called "serious stuff" of our lives ;-)

In the process, we would ASK, learn, discover & realize the Clarity by ourselves. I am already loving it and very much looking forward to it.

Join us for our Upcoming Linkedin LIVE AUDIO Event, this Thursday, 11 Aug 2022

  • San Francisco - 09:00 AM PDT

  • Denver - 10:00 AM MDT

  • Chicago - 11:00 AM CDT

  • New York - 12:00 PM EDT

  • London - 05:00 PM BST

  • Dubai - 08:00 PM GST

  • Mumbai - 09:30 PM IST

If you want to join the discussion &/OR already have some questions that can add value, then we request you to please DM your Questions, Requests & Suggestions.

We'd love to have you with us LIVE on this discussion.

Looking forward to connecting soon :)


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