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Why can't you choose how you feel?

Why do we fall in love & out of Love?

Why do we like or dislike someone?

Why do we want something? and don't want something?

Why do we do what we do?

What do you think really matters?

What is it really.. ??

If you look closely, you’d see that it’s all about ‘How we feel’..

  • We eat or don’t eat well often, only based on how we feel..

  • We exercise and also don’t exercise often, only based on how we feel..

  • We fall in and out of Love, only based on how we feel..

  • We dream of something to accomplish, or even let go, only based on how we feel..

  • We want great health & fitness only because it alters how you feel about yourself..

  • We never really want money, but what we want is the change in how we feel about Life..

( Money just makes us feel Powerful, Secure, Comfortable.. Only until it does.. because the same amount of money that gave you a sense of Security for lifetime at one point in time in the past, may today look pretty in-sufficient and may not really last as long.. so there you go again for more.. without knowing how much is really enough? and for what? )

Whatever we do is either to feel the way we want to feel, or to escape something that we don’t want to feel..

Isn’t it all based on ‘how we feel’ ?

Just to change how we feel, we watch movies, eat delicious food, look for novelty, intoxicate & let ourselves loosen up, seek comforts, conveniences & all sorts of pleasures..

Even if we do it very thoughtfully, we adopt a new hobby, learn some new meditation or take some medication..

Or read books, or Work more, or watch Videos, listen to Music, Travel, Drive, Dance, do something or the other to keep yourself feeling good..

Do you see.. that there is always some or the other kind of dependency..

But then, when we no longer get a better experience again.. then we get all those feelings that we don’t want to feel..

Stress, Anxiety, Worries, Unhappiness, Sadness, Hopelessness.. are some of the things that we never want to feel..

We want to feel peaceful, pleasant, easy, happier, energetic, sharper, more alive..

So we discover or invent things that can alter how we feel, maybe for sometime, but all worth it! (at least that's what it seems like at that time)

Because again.. What really matters? is ‘How we feel’ .. isn’t it?

However, let’s not miss the most obvious yet the least understood point..

“All that you feel, you feel inside of you.. Then why can’t we choose how to feel?”

Why can’t we choose our feelings the way we want? Why is this struggle with & within the Self?

Think about it..

Isn't it because we don’t understand ourselves clearly..? which includes..

  • Not knowing why do we feel the way we feel?

  • Not knowing Why do we think the way we think?

  • Not knowing how does our Mind work? How do our Thoughts & Emotions work?

There are many parts to it, like Conditioning, Habits, Patterns, Beliefs and so on.

If you learn what they are and how they work, you'd be able to dismantle all these automated loops of mind... which means, having absolute understanding, awareness & thus complete authority to choose what to feel and what to not.

But now, how do you really do that? is it even possible?

Well.. There is a way.. the most powerful & profound path to have an absolute Clarity on all that really matters in Life - Mindful Aware Teachings - your Path to Self Realization..

Book a FREE 30 mins of 1 to 1 Mindful Aware Insight Session & Learn how you can Take Charge of your innate (Super) Power - The Power of Choice

Please feel free to share your thoughts & questions in the comments or in the messages.

Talk to you soon :)


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