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Or...Is there a bigger reason for your existence?

'Why do you Exist?' - A very Powerful question that can actually shake the very Reality that we hold on to!

Think! Think! Think!

What are those reasons that we give ourselves for being here in this world?

My reason, that I gave to my teacher when he had asked me this very question was - 'To solve my life challenges!'

My Teacher asked me 'So, you mean to say that the moment the problems are solved, you will die...right?'

I had no answers to give him...but this made me realise how inadequate I was in finding a reason tom y existence - my Life's Purpose! It made me think deeper and ask myself is my life so less valuable to just exist to solve my problems? Or is there anything beyond?

Like me, others may have their own reasons - like being successful, live for family, earn money, leave a name for self, build an empire....does that mean our Life ends when it is achieved? and what happens when we are not able to achieve it in this lifetime? Do we hover around as ghosts! Because we don't know yet about the next birth, isn't it!

Then, what is the REAL REASON for our Existence?

When you look beyond the limited thoughts, which are influenced by your own conditionings & beliefs, what do you see?

A mind that's clouded with Emotions may not allow you to see with Clarity

. It's similar to trying to see the road ahead with dirt on your car's windshield. You have to wipe it clean to have a safe journey, right?

When you identify and eliminate the lower emotions present in you, it helps you have an unbiased and a deeper understanding of yourself, leading you to find out 'Who You Are' and 'Why do You Live - Your Purpose'!

Immerse yourself in Discovering the Real Authentic You, the first step to identify your Purpose - Your Reason!

Love & Light!


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